SAP HR Classes - Session 1

SAP - ERP Tool (link to PPT, link to VSD)
Role of Functional Consutant (link to PPT)
SAP Easy access Menu
SAP HR/HCM Modules (link to PPT)
SAP Landscape (Link to Example)
Organizational Structure (link to PPT, link for notes)

Additional Reading

SAP - Intro (link to PPT)
SAP Best Practices Documents - List all SAP functionalities related to HCM (link to doc)
Exampe of an Organizational Sructure (link to PDF)
HR Glossary (link to site)
How to install SAP GUI and setup the client (link to youtube video)

In this class, we discuss ERP service providers including SAP's competitors. This class also adresses questions like what is SAP Landscape and how SAP Landscape looks like in a real-time scenario.


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